Looking forward

Despite the many political, economic and healthcare challenges, the process of policymaking continues, and the EU’s impact and influence on shaping how every sector will do business has never been greater. It’s essential to have a strong commercial share of voice to promote and protect your business interests for now and for the future.

Why the EU matters

The EU is the biggest player on the global trading scene. The EU’s GDP was $16.5 trillion last year according to the IMF, representing 22.8% of the world’s total. As the world’s largest single market, its Members account for 16% of world imports and exports and it is the world’s biggest export market for around 80 countries.

What should you be prioritising?

The EU is responsible for developing a host of new aid and stimulus packages to support economic recovery. Now is the time to engage as an active partner to ensure your concerns are getting the consideration and understanding they need. In addition, the EU’s ambitious policy agenda is still progressing, despite the challenges, and will determine the future society we want to live in.

With up to 60% of national legislation emanating from Brussels, being informed and prepared will be essential for any company doing business anywhere in the EU. FTI Consulting in Brussels is here to guide you through every step with informed insight and analysis.